Bhavishya Malika facts that you didnt know its exists

Bhavishya Malika: In the cosmic dance of time, the ages of humanity unfold like chapters in a grand narrative. According to ancient scriptures such as Manusmriti, these ages are cyclical, moving through the golden era of Satyuga, the silver age of Tretayuga, the bronze age of Dvaparayuga, and finally, the dark epoch of Kaliyuga. But beyond Kaliyuga, mysterious and hidden is an era known as Gupta Yuga, an unilluminated period but replete with deep significance in the pragmatic affairs of humankind.

As we stand at the threshold of transition, it’s evident that the grip of Kaliyuga still tightens around the world. Moral decay permeates societies, straining the bonds between kin and nations alike. The shadows of disease and disaster loom large, casting a pall over human endeavors. The scriptures foretell of dire calamities that will test humanity’s resilience in the coming years: from wars to famine, from ecological crises to pandemics.

It is during this stormy weather that the year “2025” appears, a year that would be filled with celestial omens and cosmic alignments. It is believed that when the constellation of Pisces reveals the sign of slumber, the earth will shake with the weight of these impending catastrophes. In this chaotic period, even the marvels of technology would become obsolete, and man would struggle for security and purpose.

It was in such an hour that a light shoots out of the Bhavishya Purana in a powerful ray, revealing mankind’s future in surprising depth. Composed by five sages six hundred years ago in the holy land of Odisha, India, this scripture wraps itself in mystery and can neither be seen nor seen through, holding its very wisdom in its own view. However, in its verses lies the access to transcendence and leads humanity from the darkness of Kaliyuga to the dawn of Satyayuga.

The Bhavishya Purana is not just a text; it is a divine blueprint for the upliftment of society, a roadmap to a higher consciousness. Through its teachings, the eternal principles of dharma will find resonance in every corner of the globe, uniting humanity in a shared vision of spiritual awakening.

And here is to day presented this Bhavishya Purana for the inquirers into the truth, custodians of wisdom and those who expect something greater. Let its voice find a dwelling-place in the very heart; to it will belong the advent of a bright tomorrow.


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