This city is the oldest city in the world

Benaras, or Varanasi, (also Kashi) is a city in India and one of the oldest surviving cities on Earth. Hindu mythology’s Importance in Varanasi is all but uncovered. Mark Twain, the British author and literature, who was captivated by Benaras’ legend and sacredness, wrote once :
“Benaras is older than history, older than tradition, older even than legend and looks twice as old as all of them put together”

Varanasi (Kashi) land has been the final pilgrimage destination for Hindus for centuries. According to Hindus, a person who is blessed to die on the Varanasi land would achieve salvation and liberation from the cycle of birth and re-birth. Abode of Lord Shiva and Parvati, the origins of Varanasi are yet unknown. Ganges in Varanasi is believed to have the power to wash away the sins of mortals. Hindus believe that one who is graced to die on the land of Varanasi would attain salvation and freedom from the cycle of birth and re-birth.

The city is a center of learning and civilization for over 3000 years. Ganges is believed to have its genesis in the locks of Lord Shiva and in Varanasi, it becomes the great river that we hear of. With Sarnath, the site where Buddha gave his initial sermon after enlightenment, only 10 km away, Varanasi has been the symbol of Hindu renaissance. Knowledge, philosophy, culture, worship of Gods, Indian crafts and arts have all thrived here for centuries. Also a Jains’ pilgrimage site, Varanasi is said to be the birthplace of Parsvanath, the twenty-third Tirthankar. Vaishnavism and Shaivism have existed in Varanasi in harmony.
Varanasi has also been an excellent place for learning for centuries. Varanasi is linked with the propagation of spiritualism, mysticism, the Sanskrit language, yoga and promotion of Hindi language and respected writers such as the ever-popular novelist Prem Chand and Tulsi Das, the renowned saint-poet who composed Ram Charit Manas. Fittingly referred to as the cultural capital of India, Varanasi has given the correct platform for all cultural activities to grow. Varanasi has been the source of many dance and music exponents. Ravi Shankar, the world famous Sitar maestro and Ustad Bismillah Khan, (shehnai exponent) are sons of the divine city or have spent most of their lives in this city.
With several temples, Mrs. Annie Besant selected Varanasi as the residence for her ‘Theosophical Society’ and Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya, to establish ‘Benares Hindu University, the largest University in Asia. Ayurveda is claimed to have originated at Varanasi and is considered to be the foundation of contemporary medical sciences like Plastic surgery, Cataract and Calculus operations. Maharshi Patanjali, the guru of Ayurveda and Yoga, was also identified with Varanasi, the sacred city. Varanasi is also renowned for its commerce and trade, particularly for the best silks and gold and silver brocades, right from the earliest times.

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