Habit 1: Exercise


Exercise for at least 150 minutes a week. You can break it up into 10 minute or longer sessions of moderate to vigorous activity.


Your heart rate should be at least 100 beats per minute.


Habit 2: Eat well


You’ve heard of the DASH and Mediterranean diets, both are heart healthy but overall balanced is the goal.


Habit 3: See your primary care doctor


See your primary care doctor for an annual physical, wellness visits and lab work as needed.


You should feel comfortable asking your primary care doctor questions and bringing up concerns. Also, tell your doctor if heart problems run in your family.


Habit 4: Drink water


Stay hydrated and drink 64 ounces of water a day. That’s eight cups of water or a little more than three 20-ounce containers of water. And limit how much caffeine you drink daily.


Habit 5: Sleep


Get the right amount of sleep every night. For most people that’s 6-8 hours. Too little or too much sleep increases your risk of cardiovascular disease. To help you sleep find ways to reduce your stress such as meditating or deep breathing.

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