What is E Fasting? A must for every youth to know

Internet &smartphone has now become an indispensable part of our life.Now it is high time to remain free from the clutches of these things. Really we should keep safe distance from cell,internet, social media which is called E Fasting.

It is advised to keep Fasting for the betterment of health. Electronic Fasting means to use these gadgets for few hours.

When &How to use

First make sure when social media is not to be used. We shouldn’t use it in Bus stand,while walking &in public places.

Secondly take a bold decision for a day in a week not to use social media. Initially you feel odd but later on it will be a habit and you can protect yourself physically and mentally.

Thirdlyfix a time to watch it and not to use it unnecessarily. We should not use it in front of childrenand it should not enter to our bedroom or dining table.

Fourthly it is better to stop the notifications of different apps whose ringtone attracts us to watch it and we waste time.Instead we use website.

Fifthly smartphones are not toys.We go on playing games without looking at time place and situation.

Sixthly in holidays ” Say no to social media” .These days are meant to take rest (body,eye and mind).Enjoy with your friends company and visit different places and enjoy the beauties of nature.

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